Querim-Tiracol Village

Querim-TiracolĀ VillageĀ  Overview

Querim-Tiracol is a Village in Pernem Taluka in North Goa District of Goa State, India. It is located in Pernem Tehsil of North Goa district in Goa, India. It is situated 20km away from sub-district headquarter Pernem and 47km away from district headquarter Panaji. Querim-Tiracol Pin code is 403524 and postal head office is Arambol. Querim-Tiracol is surrounded by Mapusa Taluka towards South, Bardez Taluka towards South, Sawantwadi Taluka towards North, Bicholim Taluka towards East. Mapusa, Sawantwadi, Panaji, Goa Velha are the near by Cities to Querim-Tiracol. It is near to Arabian Sea. There is a chance of humidity in the weather.

Total area 405.21 hectares total population of the village is 3243. with 1628 males and 1615 female population. The Panchayat consists of 7 wards & 7 elected representatives(Male 5, Female 2) and there are 38 households of SC community . Total households in Querim-Tiracol are about 836. Water requirements are fulfilled largely through private wells. Agriculture and fishing are the main occupations in the village. Others are employed in the mining industry.

The Panchayat have primary & secondary schools with an enrollment of 376 students. There are AWC with 27 children. it has one river. There is one SHC centre. The distance between SHC and the main panchayat is 02 KM. The distance between the main hospital and the panchayat is 21kms. The major source of income for the panchAyat is the house tax,fees,grant-in-aid and other grants.

Ajoba Temple

Ajoba Temple– Located at the entrance of Keri (or Querim) beach in Goa. It is a small temple but quite interesting on the sands of the beach. this beautiful temple famously known as the Ajoba temple. The word temple may give you a hint that it is a place of worship for Hindus, but it actually is not. The Ajoba temple is important religiously as well as historically. You can find devotees of all religion, caste, and creed visiting the temple with same respect especially if you visit it on Sunday or Wednesday as these are traditionally the days for extending you thanks to the deities. People perform rituals on these two days after fulfilment of their wishes. The beautiful temple painted in turquoise and orange is a must-visit place in Goa.