V.P. Obligations
V.P. Office is open from Monday to Saturday (Closed on Sundays and Second Saturday of the month)
Morning : From 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Evening : From 02.30 p.m. to 05.30 p.m.
(i) Particulars of Organisation, Functions and Duties:
Village Panchayat of Querim-Tiracol
Local Self Governing Body consisting of 07 Elected Members – classified in Group C
Functions and Duties of V. P. Querim-Tiracol are as follows:
1) Subject to such conditions as may be specified by the Government from time to time, the Panchayat shall perform the functions specified in Schedule – I.
2) The Panchayat may also make provisions for carrying out within the Panchayat area any other any other work or measure which is likely to promote the health, safety, education, comfort, convenience or special or economic well being of the inhabitants of the Panchayat area.
3) The Panchayat may by a Resolution passed at its Meeting and supported by two thirds of its total number of members and with the prior approval of the Director.
(a) Make provision for or make contribution towards any exhibition, conference, or seminar within or outside the Panchayat area but within the district; or
(b) Make contribution to any medical, educational or charitable institutions or any other institutions of public utility, within the Panchayat area which are registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 or under any other law for the time being inforce.
4) Assignment of Functions;
(1) The Government may by Notification and subject to such conditions as may be specified therein:-
(a) Transfer to any Panchayat, the management and maintenance of a Forest situated in the Panchayat area.
(b) Make over to the Panchayat, the management of waste lands, pasture lands or vacant lands belonging to the Government situated within the Panchayat area.
(c) Entrust the Panchayat with the collection of Land Revenue on behalf of the Government and the maintenance of such records as are connected therewith.
(d) Entrust such other functions as may be prescribed.
Provided that no entrustment under Clause (c) shall be made without the concurrence of the Panchayat concerned. Provided further that when any transfer of the management and maintenance of a Forest is made under clause (a), The Government shall direct that any amount required for such management and maintenance or an adequate portion of the income from such Forest be placed at the disposal of the Panchayat.
(2) The Government may by Notification, withdraw or modify the functions assigned under this section.
(ii) Powers / Duties of Officers and Employees
General Powers
(a) Convene the Meeting of the Panchayat.
(b) Have access to the Records of the Panchayat.
(c) Exercise Supervision and Control over the acts of the Officers and Employees of the Panchayat.
(d) Incur expenditure not exceeding Rupees One Thousand per month on any matter in an emergency and in public interest.
(e) Recommend or not, the sanction of any kind of Leave to all Officers and employees of the Panchayat including the Gram Sevak.
(f) Place all the correspondence received from the Government, Director, Chief Executive Officer, before the meeting of the Panchayat.
(g) Hold regular Gram Sabha and other Meetings of the Panchayat.
(h) Recover the Taxes, Fees and other dues from the defaulters of the Panchayat.
(i) Place the Audit Report before the Meeting of the Panchayat and ensure its due compliance.
(j) Stop any unauthorized construction erected in the Panchayat area notwithstanding anything contained in the sub-section (3) of the Section 66 of this Act and place the matter immediately before the ensuing meeting of the Panchayat for taking suitable decision.
(k) Remove encroachment and obstruction upon public property, street, drains and open sites not being private property.
(l) Ensure due compliance of the provisions of the Act.
(m) Comply with the directions / instructions issued by the Director, Chief Executive Officer, Deputy Director or Block Development Officer.
The Sarpanch may, if in his opinion the immediate execution of any work or doing any act which requires the sanction of a Committee or of the Panchayat, is necessary in public interest convene a meeting for the purpose with a notice of twenty four hours.
Executive Powers
Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act and the Rules framed thereunder, the Sarpanch shall exercise the powers on the following matters, namely:-
(i) To implement the programme of Welfare Schemes and other Developmental works.
(ii) To execute and implement the resolution passed by the Panchayat on the matters not specified in Section 47.
The Deputy Sarpanch of the Panchayat shall exercise the powers and perform the duties of the Sarpanch when the Sarpanch is absent, on leave or is incapacitated from functioning.
General Powers
1) Attend every meeting of the Panchayat including Gram Sabha Meetings, unless he is precluded from attending the meeting due to unavoidable circumstance.
2) Write the Proceeding of every meeting in the Minutes Book.
3) Place all the correspondence received by him, specially various schemes of the Government, instructions issued by the Director and other authorities (except those of confidential nature) before the Sarpanch and also for the information of all members during the meeting.
4) Receive all correspondence, scrutinize the same and dispose off after having satisfied that the same are complete in all respects.
5) Finalise the agenda of every meeting in consultation with the Sarpanch.
6) Report within seven days to the Block Development Officer any vacancy in the office of the Sarpanch or Deputy Sarpanch or a member caused due to death, resignation or continuous absence for more than three consecutive ordinary meeting of the Panchayat.
7) Report to the Block Development Officer any illegal act or misconduct or misuse or abuse of powers any infringement of the provisions of this Act by the Sarpanch or Deputy Sarpanch or the members of the Panchayat as soon as the same comes to his knowledge.
8) Report, as soon as possible, to the Block Development Officer, if any member of the Panchayat attracts disqualification under section 10 of this Act.
9) Maintain all the registers prescribed under various Rules and other Registers as may be directed by the Block Development Officer.
10) Responsible for safe custody of Panchayat funds, assets of Panchayat and all the Registers maintained by the Panchayat.
11) Comply with the instruction issued by the Block Development Officers and superior authorities from time to time.
12) Maintain cordial relations with the elected representative.
13) Ensure that the grants released by the Government under Grant-in-Aid for specific purpose is not spent by the Panchayat for any purpose other than the purpose for which it is sanctioned;
Executive Powers
Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act and the Rules framed thereunder, the Secretary shall also exercise the powers on the following matters, namely:-
(i) To issue the Licenses for Construction, repairs, modification, alteration, so also Occupancy Certificate in pursuance of the Resolution of the Panchayat .
(ii) To initiate action for stopping and or demolishing as unauthorized structure / building constructed without the permission of the Panchayat after Resolution is passed to that effect.
(iii) To execute the Resolutions passed by the Panchayat Body.
P. Employees:
The Village Panchayat of Querim-Tiracol has employed 01 clerks and 01 peon to whom the work is entrusted by the Panchayat from entry of Applicant to its acceptance, compilation and final disposal.
(iii) The Panchayat holds fortnightly Meetings wherein the decisions are made in respect of Proposals received from Public an thereafter conveyed within 10 days to the concerned applicants.
Channels of Supervision:
1) Block Development Officer, Pernem Block.
2) Dy. Director of Panchayats.
Accountability to:
1) The Director of Panchayats.
(iii) Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manuals and Records, held by the Panchayat:
1) The Goa Panchayat Raj Act 1994.
2) Register of Births and Death Act, 1969 and Rules 1997.
3) Citizen Charter.
4) Right to Information Act, 2005
(iv) Categories of Documents:
1) Register of Births and Deaths Records, born and dead in Querim-Tiracol from the year 1971.
2) Construction License & Occupancy issued to house constructed and occupied.
3) Works undertaken by Panchayat.
4) Complaints of Illegal Constructions.
(v) Gram Sabha to discuss issues relating to Consultation, Representation of Public Interest & Formation of Policy thereafter.
List of Meetings:
1) Panchayat Meeting – Panchayat Members.
2) Gram Sabha Meeting – Open to the Public.
3) Other Committees – Committee Members.
Documents maintain by Panchayat
Show entries
1 | Form No I – Income |
2 | Form No I – Expenditure |
3 | Form No II – Income and Expenditure |
4 | Form No III – Cash Book |
5 | Form No IV – Receipt Book |
6 | Form No 6 – Assets Register |
7 | Form No 7 – Assessment Register |
8 | Form No 8 – House Tax Register |
9 | Form No 9 – Grants Register |
10 | Form No 10 – Income and Expenditure (Monthly) |
11 | Form No 11 – Budget |
12 | Construction Licence Register |
13 | Occupancy Certificate Register |
14 | Construction License Files |
15 | Occupancy Certificate Files |
16 | Earnest Money Register |
17 | Security Deposit Register |
18 | Income Tax Register |
19 | Sales Tax Register |
20 | Royalty Register |
21 | Vat Register |
22 | Audit Report |
23 | Inward Register |
24 | Outward Register |
25 | Administrative Report |
26 | Market Auction File |
27 | R.T.I File |
28 | Birth file and Register from 1971 till date |
29 | Death file and Register from 1971 till date |
30 | Attendance Register |
31 | Movement Register |
32 | Stationery Register |
33 | Meeting Register |
34 | Gram Sabha Register |
35 | Works Register/Files |