Village Development Commitee

Village Development Committee was recently formed for development of Querim-Tiracol Village and the Grants received under Fourteenth Finance Commission for Five year period commencing 2015-16 to 2019 -20 to be utilized adding to it own source revenue, MGNREGS and other contributions for village development.

Sr. No.Name of MemberGenderDesignationArea of SpecializationContact No.
1Mrs. Namita V. KerkarFemaleChiarpersonTraditional Recipes8806988119
2Mr. Abhai G. SawantMaleVP Seccretary-9373343352
3Mrs. Prashila P. NarvekarFemaleMember-9145671134
4Mr. Rajan D. FarasMaleMemberFarming, Handmade Crafts,9763120158
5Mr. Ajit T. GawandiMaleMemberFarming,
Traditional Recipes
6Mr. Suraj M. NaikMaleMember-9421151329
7Ms. Namrata D. ChariFemaleMember-7972011329